Decision fatigue is REAL, and there are times when I simply cannot make ONE. MORE. DECISION.
Should I say yes?
Why am I saying no?
Am I reacting or responding?
Does it REALLY even matter?
I really, really, really love to say yes. Seriously, being a #yesmom is ridiculously fun. But If I'm not considering my own needs, saying yes can result in me being a jerk.
So after experiencing some serious overwhelm, I decided to create a visual support for myself. My hope was this would help me maintain my relational goals even when I'm overwhelmed: support my teen's needs and her autonomy, while also considering my own needs at the same time.
So here goes...
ONE: Will this make me feel resentful? If so, I can be honest with my teen and offer and/or discuss some alternatives. (You might be surprised - they might come up with something helpful!) If not, go to 2.
TWO: Is it dangerous? If so, talk with them about how to be safe or collaborate on an alternative. If not, go to 3.
THREE: Is there a limit in time or resources? If so, let them know, and collaborate on an alternative. If not, SAY YES!
What do you do when you are overwhelmed by decisions and trying to prioritize the relationship, rather than saying no from a place of reactivity?
If you need more support, I offer therapeutic parent education and coaching classes, on-demand workshops, and counseling services. Learn more on the website menu.