Peaceful Beginnings


The beginning of anything can be stressful, and school is no exception. Teachers, parents, and especially children, who don’t yet have the brain development to handle stress as well as adults, can find the beginning of the school year to be stressful…even when it’s also exciting!

So today I want to invite you to support your children with peaceful beginnings, whether it’s the start of school, the start of swim lessons, or simply the start to an increasingly peaceful home. I believe that in supporting our children with peaceful beginnings, we are also supporting ourselves, our children’s teachers and caregivers, our neighbors and friends, and even our communities. When we are able to chose a peaceful response in one moment, it becomes increasingly easier over time. And peace in our homes, our schools, our communities, and even worldwide begins with one peaceful moment followed by another peaceful moment by another. And what better way to invite peaceful moments than to begin right now with our children and ourselves.


Here are some ways we can support our children…

…with patience, “I see you’re playing. It’s time to put shoes on. Do you want to put them on yourself or do you want some help?”

…with understanding, “I see you’re having some big feelings. Starting something new can be uncomfortable.

…with support, “I’m here and I love you.”

…with listening, “I hear you. Tell me more about that.”

Today I invite you to commit to 3 days of peaceful beginnings. To choose to breathe deeply rather than yell, to hug rather than hit, to understand rather than scold, and to listen rather than fix.

Join us for 3 Days of Peaceful Beginnings. 

And let us know how you chose peace on Facebook!



If you’re looking for more ways to parent peacefully, please check out our “No Spank challenge,” a collaboration of over 25 peaceful, gentle parenting advocates and educators created to support, encourage and empower you with resources to help you learn how to guide your children and set boundaries without resorting to spanking, yelling, shaming, and other punitive parenting techniques.

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