Why Kids Whine

Guest Post by Dr. Deborah MacNamara Research on whining confirms that it really is the most annoying sound to the…

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The Surprising Secret Behind Kid’s Resistance and Opposition

Guest Post by Dr. Deborah MacNamara Why is it that young children can lock down in protest at the mere…

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The Problem with Consequences for Young Children

 Guest post by Dr. Deborah MacNamara If you have a preschooler you will know they don’t pause or think twice before…

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How the 3-Second Preview Prevents Regret and Saves the Day

Guest post by Rachel Macy Stafford from her highly anticipated new book Only Love Today: Reminders to Breathe More, Stress Less,…

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Self-Care for Busy Parents: Self-Compassion

https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=11809795&appointmentType=2663176Tired? I don’t want to make any assumptions, but based on my personal and professional experience you may relate to one or…

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How Our Worries Interfere with Bedtime

Several months ago we had a 3-hour bedtime routine, which was unusual for us at the time. And for about 30 minutes…

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