The Peaceful Homes & Classrooms event provides parents and educators alternatives to yelling, threatening, shaming, and other punitive attempts to try to get kids to obey, behave and be responsible.
Registration for the 2019 event coming soon!
Topics include...
- Responding to hitting
- Sibling arguments
- Conflict resolution
- How to get kids to listen without yelling
- Games to teach emotional regulation
- Boys & aggression
- Tantrums & meltdowns
- Empowering children
- How to set limits and be heard
- Understanding our children's sensory needs
- Dealing with our own triggers
- Parenting from our center
- Emotional regulation in the classroom
- Supporting an anxious child
- Building inclusive classrooms
- Conscious communication
- ...and more!
How to Set A Limit & Be Heard with Amy Bryant.
A "basics" webinar on how to set respectful limits and be heard.
How to Resolve Classroom Challenges with Positive Interventions
Dr. Angela Nelson-Searcy of Simple Solution Educational Services shares positive solutions to everyday classroom disruptions.
Why You Must Be Imperfect to Raise Great Kids with Rachel Bailey
As parents, we worry so much about how our mistakes will affect our children. What many parents don't realize is that it is essential for us to make mistakes in order to raise kids who meet their full potential. In this live webinar, you will learn the specific reasons you MUST be imperfect as a parent...and how you can handle your inevitable "mess ups" in a way that helps, instead of harms, your children.
Helping Children Understand Differences with Mary Byrne Eigel and Amy Bryant
Learn how to help kids understand and accept differences through awareness building exercises and storytelling you can use in your home or classroom.
How to respond to Hitting and Sibling Arguments with Bonnie Harris and Amy Bryant
Do you get drawn in when your kids are fighting? Learn how to nurture your children's relationship with each other while also helping them build conflict resolution skills - both of which will serve them a lifetime!
Attachment Parenting & Unschooling with Jennifer Andersen
Are you an attachment parent interested in unschooling? Jennifer Andersen of Our Muddy Boots talks about the decision to homeschool, unschooling, and the continuum of learning to parent respectfully.
Parenting from Your Center When You're Pissed Off
Have you embraced positive parenting only to find yourself feeling triggered and punishing your children anyway?! Do these moments leave you feeling frustrated, guilty and just plain "not enough"? Learn from attachment specialist, parent educator, and founder of Generation Mindful Suzanne Tucker as she shares how to:
- Banish momma/papa guilt with one simple phrase.
- Identify your parenting "kryptonite" - the thing that's keeping you from your parenting super power (aka the ability to remain calm in the face of chaos.)
- Be with "big" emotions, regulating your body and mind while teaching your children to do the same.
ParentSpeak: why words matter and what to say instead with Jennifer Lehr
Do say "good job" and implore your children to "share"? What if those everyday parenting phrases (ParentSpeak) had unintended consequences? Learn neurodevelopmentally aligned ways to teach children life skills and help them feel encouraged, connected, heard, and understood.
Live Q&A: Get your parenting questions answered!
Watch as Amy Bryant, Kate Orson, & Tiffanie Noonan respond to parent's everyday questions about setting limits, responding to upset, and understanding children's behavior.
Chilled Out Kids –Fun and Effective Tools to Teach Breathing and Meditation to Kids with Lisa Roberts.
In this 5-part video course five short videos you will learn games you can play with your kids to teach them (and yourself!) breath awareness and breath control as well as mindfulness/meditation skills. These activities are fun and engaging for kids, and, as you will see in the videos, kids figure out pretty quickly that they can and do have control over their breath and mind. Playing these games regularly with your kids will help them to develop skills to regulate emotions and reactions, and hone their ability to be mindful and present.
Raising Resilience: How to Teach Children Face Life's Inevitable Challenges with Rachel Bailey
Our children face difficult tasks and other obstacles on a daily basis. While some children are able to work through challenges, others crumble in the face of adversity. In this live webinar, you will learn specific tools your children need in order to feel good about themselves and succeed -- no matter what stands in their way.
Why are they acting this way? Decoding your child's behavior with Dr. Tiffanie Noonan
Have you ever questioned your parenting or been frustrated and overwhelmed by your child's behavior? Dr. Tiffanie Noonan will be discussing insights and a new perspective to help you decode what is at the root of your child's behavior.
Boys & Aggression with Tosha Schore
If you've got a young boy struggling with hitting, biting, scratching, grabbing, sharing, or some other unsavory behavior, and your temperature is rising like a cartoon thermometer, Tosha Schore will teach you some simple strategies to help you help him.
5 Ways We Unknowingly Take Away Our Children's Power...and How Not To! with Suzanne Tucker of Generation Mindful
Live Q&A: Get your parenting questions answered!
Watch as Amy Bryant, Bonnie Harris & Alison Smith respond to parent's everyday questions about setting limits, responding to upset, and understanding children's behavior.
Conscious Communication: Communication skills that help you be HEARD with Lori Petro of TEACH Through Love
A Simple Strategy for Building Healthy Self-Esteem in Children and Parents with Rachel Bailey
When we feel good about ourselves, we feel better, we act better, and we take better care of ourselves. So how can we and our children maintain positive self-esteem in today's high-pressure, high-expectation culture? In this workshop, you will learn a simple strategy that will help both you and your children believe in yourselves, no matter what is going on around you.
3 Ways to Support Emotional Regulation at Home and in the Classroom with Suzanne Tucker
Meet the 2017 Contributors

Amy C. Bryant
Amy is a mom, psychotherapist and child & family advocate, specializing in helping families create more peace and enjoyment in their lives together. She also works in violence and abuse prevention, conflict resolution, and non-violent collaboration with children for parents and educators. She founded Parenting Beyond Punishment to help parents move out of punishment-based parenting and into a connection-centered approach to living with with their children. She provides online parent coaching and local psychotherapy and parent coaching for families. Amy lives and plays with her partner, daughter, and friends in Atlanta, GA. You can learn more about her work on her website and follow her on Facebook.

Robbyn Peters Bennett
Robbyn is a psychotherapist, educator, and child advocate who specializes in the treatment of mental health problems due to early abuse and neglect. Her life’s work is aimed at ending child abuse and all forms of violence against children. She is the founder of StopSpanking.org, a non-profit dedicated to educating the public on the dangers of spanking. She is on the steering committee of The U.S. Alliance to End the Hitting of Children, an organization dedicated to supporting the movement to end spanking in the US.

Lori Petro
Lori is a Speaker, Child Advocate & Parent Educator, and founder of TEACH through Love. She teaches principles of conscious parenting and communication, and helps families heal from intergenerational cycles of anger, abuse and emotional neglect. As an adult with Aspergers, Lori understands the demands of parenting kids with special needs and believes building strong relationships and communicating respectfully helps all children reach their full potential. Connect with Lori on Twitter: @TEACHthruLove, Facebook, or her Blog.

Bonnie Harris
Bonnie Harris, MS Ed, director of Connective Parenting, has been a child behavior and parenting specialist for over twenty-five years. Based on her highly acclaimed books, When Your Kids Push Your Buttons and Confident Parents, Remarkable Kids: 8 Principles for Raising Kids You’ll Love to Live, Bonnie offers individual parent counseling, parenting workshops, professional trainings and speaking engagements internationally. The mother of two grown children, she lives in New Hampshire where she founded The Parent Guidance Center. To learn more, visit her website, Facebook, or Blog, and follow her on Twitter.

Tosha Schore
Tosha Schore brings a burst of energy and optimism to parenting young boys. If anyone’s got your back – and your boy’s, it’s her! She’s in the trenches with parents and an expert at simple solutions to what feel like overwhelmingly complicated problems. Tosha is the creator of Parenting Boys Peacefully: A FREE 10-Day Reconnect! And she is the co-author of Listen: Five Simple Tools to Meet Your Everyday Parenting Challenges.

Mercedes Samudio
Mercedes Samudio, LCSW is a parent coach who helps parents and children communicate with each other, manage emotional trauma, navigate social media and technology together, and develop healthy parent-child relationships. Over the course of her career, she has worked with adoptive families, foster families, teen parents, parents navigating the child protective services system, and children living with mental illness. Mercedes started the #EndParentShaming movement as well as coined the term Shame-Proof Parenting – using both to bring awareness to ending parent shame. Mercedes is a leading parenting expert and has an amazing following on social media that allows her to reach the hearts of thousands of parents who feel heard and seen on their parenting journey. She has been featured on The Huffington Post, US News and Report, Woman’s Day, LA Parent Magazine, CBS LA, and Kids In The House. Mercedes seeks to empower parents to believe that they are already great guides for raising healthy and happy children. You can read more about her parenting expertise at The Parenting Skill.

Sheena Hill
Sheena Hill CBE, CPST, MFS, MAJE, is a homeschooling mom, child advocate, Certified Parent Education Specialist, and social worker. As the founder and director of Parenting Works, she educates and empowers parents through group, workshops and individual parent coaching. Her work focuses on gentle discipline, healthy communication, and emotional intelligence, supporting and inspiring parents to reach their full parenting potential as responsive, respectful and consistent caregivers. You can learn more about her dynamic work on Facebook.

Rachel Bailey
Rachel Bailey is a mother of two daughters. She has a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and is a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator. As a trained coach and therapist, she currently teaches parents how to raise children who believe in themselves, make healthy choices, and meet their full potential. She also helps parents redefine “perfect parenting” in order to reduce the worry, guilt, helplessness, and desire for perfection that are so often a part of parenting. You can learn more about her work at Rachel-Bailey.com

Asadah Kirkland
Asadah Kirkland is a mother, author, teacher, youth development facilitator and Parent Strategist who learned to handle problems with wisdom and not violence. Her sincere care for the welfare and outcome of the lives of her students can be seen through her actions and heard from the comments of the people she serves. In her book Beating Black Kids, Asadah shares her viewpoint and solutions with the entire world with courageous and certainty for the many challenges that come from those who feel beating Black kids is a normal practice. You can learn more about Asadah from her website, purchase her book, and participate in her workshops.

Suzanne Tucker
Suzanne Tucker, PT, CEIM, Parent Educator, Suzanne’s bliss is inspiring connection. Her life’s purpose is to change the way our society nurtures, educates, and disciplines children, helping families and classrooms to adopt evidence-based, affirming practices rooted in connection. A mom of four, physical therapist, and parent educator since 1992, Suzanne founded Brentwood Center of Health, a holistic outpatient rehabilitation center in 2002 with her husband. In 2008 she founded the online community My Mommy Manual and in 2016, Generation Mindful, a social-mission driven company creating educational tools and programs for building emotional intelligence mindfully and playfully.

Jennifer Lehr
Jennifer Lehr is the author of PARENTSPEAK: What’s Wrong with How We Talk to Children and What to Say Instead. She counts the day her hero Alfie Kohn described her book as “a substantive and subversive message of respect for kids” as one of her most gratifying. Lehr’s highly controversial Wall Street Journal essay The Wrong Way to Talk to Children was the most popular article the day it came out and remained a top five for five days straight. Lehr has also written for the Huffington Post, Babble, Scary Mommy and Natural Parent Magazine, and is author of the Elle Magazine Must-Read memoir, Ill-Equipped for a Life of Sex. As a child advocate, parent/teacher educator and coach, Jennifer speaks and facilitates workshops for faculty and staff of daycare centers, preschools and elementary schools, and was recently a guest speaker in the Women and Gender Studies department at California State University of Northridge where students studied ParentSpeak. Jennifer is also mom to Jules, 10 and Hudson 8, and is married to the Geico Caveman.

Judy Arnall
Judy Arnall, BA, parents 2 teens and 3 university students. In her spare time she works as a Certified Canadian Family Life Educator (CCFE) and Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) keynote speaker, and has taught family communication at The University of Calgary, Continuing Education, Chinook Learning, Alberta Health Services, Families Matter and live webinars. She is the author of the world-wide print bestseller, “Discipline Without Distress: 135 Tools for raising caring, responsible children without time-out, spanking, punishment or bribery,” which has been translated into five languages. Her new book is Parenting With Patience: Turn frustration into connection with 3 easy steps. Judy is a child development expert and specializes in non-punitive parenting and education practices. www.professionalparenting.ca

Alison Smith
Alison Smith is a certified parenting coach, teacher and mom of two. She helps parents raise happy, confident kids in a way that leaves both parent and child feeling empowered. Alison works with parents who know they don’t want to use punishments, know their kids need guidance, and are unsure how to make that happen. A parents go from feeling uncertain, worn out and alone to feeling confident, enthusiastic and reconnected. Find solutions that work for you. Free Gift: Learn 20 fun and simple ways to connect with your kids while increasing cooperation, plus get weekly modern parenting tips, direct to your inbox. You can also connect with Alison via Facebook, Community, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram.

Bridgett Miller
Bridgett Miller is a mother of two and lives with her family in Vancouver, Canada. She has a background in Education, Special Education and Psychology and is an Authorized Facilitator at the Neufeld Institute. Bridgett has almost two decades of experience teaching preschool and kindergarten children and is passionate about helping parents and educators make developmental sense of the children in their lives. She is the founder of https://www.facebook.com/look.with.love.bridgett/ and https://www.facebook.com/parenting.with.intention.bridgett/ and has a private consultation practice www.TrueGrowthConsulting.ca.

Angela Nelson-Searcy
Dr. Angela Nelson-Searcy is an educator, child development specialist, parent educator, college professor, mental health consultant, nationally recognized speaker, and owner and founder of Simple Solutions Educational Services, where she provides professional development and therapy services to children and families. Dr. Searcy has specialized training in the neurosciences, with experience developing behavior modification programs from a neuropsychological perspective, and creating professional development grounded in neuroscience research related to adult learning. Dr. Searcy has been featured on Chicago Public Radio’s Chicago Matters, Chicago Parent and Chicago Baby Magazines, and is a regular speaker for the Learning and the Brain Conference Sponsored by Harvard, Yale and Stanford Universities. You can learn more about Dr. Searcy's work on her website and follow her on Facebook.

Stacey Patton
Dr. Stacey Patton is an adoptee, child abuse survivor, and former foster youth turned award-winning author, journalist and child advocate. She reports on issues of child welfare, race relations, and higher education, and her award winning writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Baltimore Sun, Al Jazeera, BBC News, TheRoot.com, The Chronicle of Higher Education, ForHarriet.com, and Dame Magazine. She has also made appearances on CNN, MSNBC, Al Jazeera, FOX News, CBS, and Democracy Now. Dr. Patton travels the world speaking, and providing trainings and workshops focused on child-advocacy, combating racial disparities, and helping youth enhance their communication and conflict resolution skills. In addition to her child advocacy work, Dr. Patton is an assistant professor of multimedia journalism at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland. She is the author of That Mean Old Yesterday – A Memoir (Simon and Schuster), Spare the Kids: Why Whupping Children Won’t Save Black America (Beacon Press), and the forthcoming book Strung Up: The Lynching of Black Children and Teenagers in America, 1880-1968 (Beacon Press). Learn more about Dr. Patton on her website, and follow her Twitter and on Facebook.

Deborah MacNamara

Kate Orson
Kate Orson is a Hand in Hand Parenting instructor and author of Tears Heal: How to listen to our children. Originally from the UK, she now lives in Switzerland where she teaches parenting workshops and offers consultations both in person, and online. Follow her blog or connect with her on Facebook.

Lisa Roberts
Lisa Roberts is a Registered Yoga Teacher, Registered Children's Yoga Teacher, and holds a certificate in Children’s Yoga Therapy. She has worked in the pediatric wellness field since 2006 and currently runs the in-patient yoga program at Saint Louis Children’s Hospital. Lisa also offers professional trainings teaching Kids Adaptive and Accessible Yoga for pediatric professionals, parents, and yoga teachers. She is the author of two children’s yoga books and has developed a line of teaching tools for pediatric yoga teachers, parents and kids. You can learn more via her Website, Blog and social media sites: Twitter: @yoyoyogaschool & Facebook.

Tiffanie Noonan
Tiffanie Noonan, D.O. is a Pediatrician and certified Parenting Coach. After more than a decade in medical practice, she founded EPIC Parenting to assist parents and caregivers in creating deeply connected relationships with their children that empower them with a strong sense of self-worth, internal motivation, and empathy. An advocate for conscious living and conscious parenting, Dr. Noonan speaks and writes extensively to share her message. She served on the Board of Directors for The Boys and Girls Club - Toombs County and currently serves as Board Secretary for Parenting 2.0’s educational non-profit, The Global Presence. Dr. Noonan lives in Charleston, SC with her husband and 2 sons. Connect with Tiffanie: website, Facebook, Linked In, Twitter.

Mary Byrne Eigel
Mary Byrne Eigel is an author, artist, teacher, and mom of 2 grown daughters. She wrote and illustrated her first children’s book Wheelie, the story of a wheelchair in search of adventure and longing to help a child explore the world, from the viewpoint of the child. Wheelie helps children understand that we all navigate the world differently: #difabilities. Based on her own early childhood experiences living with pain, Mary hopes to challenge the “silence is golden” paradigm, let every child living with pain know that they are not alone, and encourage parents to include their children in decisions that effect them. You can read her blog, her memoir Silent Courage: My Lifelong Journey through Pain to Wellness, and follow Wheelie.

Jennifer Andersen
Jennifer Andersen is a mom, unschooler, blogger, and founder of Our Muddy Boots. She planned on her first baby sleeping in a separate bedroom from night one, without exception. This is the kind of mom she would be. Then she met her son, and her world changed. Attachment parenting was her pursuit and when her son entered school-aged she knew it did not feel right. After some trials and tribulations she was introduced to Unschooling. Though she had a lot to learn, she knew this was the path for her family. It was a natural extension of what they had already been doing. Jennifer is happy to share her experience with those who are interested. You can follow her her on Facebook and learn more at Our Muddy Boots.

Claire Battersby
Claire Battersby is an experienced nanny and child advocate on a journey from being reactive and controlling towards children to being respectful and calm. She is fascinated to learn about how children react to the way adults treat them, and grateful for how much kids teach her about herself, themselves, and life in general. Both Claire and Patricia Hope (her mum) share their insights on Empowering Childhood. Sign up HERE for notifications on their webinars, articles and more, and stay in the loop with Empowering Childhood on Facebook.

The NoSpank Challenge
The NoSpank Challenge event provides parents the knowledge, tools and support to stop spanking, understand their children's behavior, and begin to respond to their children in ways that nurture their relationship and build skills for a successful life.
You can participate in learning session replays, which included topics on why children behave the way they do, how you can help them on their journey toward adulthood, learning about cognitive, social and emotional development in children, the role of connection in nurturing cooperation, how to respond to challenges in ways that teach children life skills, and how to manage our own emotional and physical reactions
A special thanks to all the advocates for children, parents and families - therapists, educators, coaches, doctors, bloggers, and more - who volunteer their time and resources to support and contribute to this event so families can begin to experience more joy in their everyday lives together.
This yearly event culminates on April 30, International SpankOut Day, which began in 1998 to bring worldwide attention to the need to provide parents and caregivers with alternatives to the physical punishment of children. Educational events and programs are held globally as child advocates work toward having a future free of physical punishment for children worldwide. This learning event was created to support and encourage parents like you wherever you are on your parenting journey - whether you're looking to go further on your peaceful parenting journey or just learning there are ways to set boundaries without spanking, yelling, shaming, or using other punitive techniques.